Five keys mental habits help English language learners acquire the language of school.

The third language of academic English
Five keys mental habits help English language learners acquire the language of school.
This article tell  about Academic language is importat for learners. For English language learners, academic English is like a third language, their second language being the social English of the hallways, community, and media. And whereas students are exposed to social English in various settings, academic language acquisition is generally limited to the classroom. This third language is full of new words, figurative expressions, grammar structures, verb tenses, and communication strategies. Many English language learners, even those with well-developed social language, struggle to master the complex language of school. Use Context to interpret meaning teach students to use context to help figure out an unfamiliar word or expression. When listening to spoken academic language, students can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by paying attention to the speaker s purpose, intonation, and facial expressions, as well as to key words the speaker emphasizes or repeats. he model for students how he goes through this process in his own reading. For example, he might think aloud. The writers write in this article make a process When he find a word he  doesn’t know, he look at the words around it. he take out the unknown word and try replacing it with words he does  know that would make sense. This sentence says, "His desultory ways led him to the four comers of the globe," When he remove the unknown word desultory, he get, "His something ways led him to the four comers of the globe."  guess that desultory means wandering, traveling, or curious. Now he write these possible meanings on a sticky note and stick it to that page of the book. The next time he see the word desultory, in this text or another book, he will see if my current meanings fit. He had students try this process with an appropriate text. And the second recognize words that describe thinking skills the writers write like this For example, if you ask students to compare the foreign policies of two presidents, pause to discuss the meaning of the term cotnpare. Highlight some of the terms commonly used to signal the process of comparing: like wise, on the other hand, similarly. Train students to analyze the academic language in texts, which in tum helps them figure out the author s thinking, purpose, and text structure. The third way is read challenging but understandable materials. One way is to read aloud to students as they follow along, stopping at times model your thinking out loud, to go over new words, or to talk about what is happening in a passage. Have students come up with questions, make predictions, develop summaries, and talk or write about the text in small groups. Take Risks in the New Language, Another advantage of taking risks with academic language is that the teacher can model the student's message back to her with correct grammar. Converse with Native Speakers About Academic Topics This can be the most challenging habit of all for English language learners to develop because conversing with native speakers of English can be scary. Few English language leamers get enough experience conversing in English about school topics. Owning the Language Many English language learners need to lcam English at accelerated rates to perform on grade level. Fluency in social language is not enough to help close the achievement gaps that are often created by a lack of academic language. We must train our students to hear, Kimess, and own the academic language that they need for success. he benefits of this article is that we can get and learn how to how to facilitate learning. strengths and weaknesses of the article is can prove the way so the readers can understand what the writers told. 

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