
In Indonesia, English has become a foreign language subject that must be learn in junior high school up to university level. When students learn it, they will learn the four language skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill became very important in the education atmosphere. So, students need understanding in text and trained in order to have competence.

According to Harris (2007) Reading comprehension involves much more than readers’ responses to text. Reading comprehension is a multi component, highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types). It means that reading comprehension has important roles between readers and interest to read the text in learning process.

Alderson (2000:12) state that poor first and second language reader lack motivation to read or to spend time improving their ability to read, narrative text or texts that tell stories, can be used to improve students’ reading comprehension. To achieve students’ reading comprehension in narrative text, they need to read so that they can understand the text easier.

Based on interview with teachers about teaching learning process, the researcher find the problem in reading comprehension, such as students less pay attention to the teacher when the teacher give a text, they are easy bored and less interest in follow the lesson too long. Based on explanation above the researcher assume that in teaching learning process must have progress to make students interest when following the lesson, so as to students more interest in reading comprehension the researcher consider in order to not bored in learning process, teachers must use media when teaching learning process. Teacher needs media to support in teaching English ,moreover, students must be motivated to enjoy studying  english subject.  According to Benson (2013 : 12) if students are merely told concepts verbally, they may easily forget. If they are given the opportunity to see the relationship, they will remember. But more importantly, if they practice what they are told and shown, they internalize it. What bridges the gap between theory and practice is media. It means that the explanation material is not enough with oral and verbal, it must use media to deliver the material.  

There are many ways in teaching English ways that the teachers do to make their teaching learning process more interesting. They usually use the easiest and simplest technique for their problem in teaching learning process. Based on my observation teachers use text books in teaching learning process, they do not use some media that can catch attention students. 

The researcher assume if teacher using a suitable media , the lesson will be more interesting , more effective and efficient in learning process. Based on the description above, the researcher prefer to choose visual media that is picture media can raise the students interest of the lesson and important to lead students attention.

 According to Azlina (1981: 49) the pictures have motivated the student, made the subject clearer, and illustrated the general idea and forms of an object or action which is particular to a culture. It suggest that students understand narrative text can more fancying a story text using picture. From the fact above, the researcher assumes that pictures have important role in teaching learning process and one of the most interesting media for students. 


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